“ The best way to keep your girl happy is by not making her unhappy.”
– Alpha’s School
This is one of the most important things, men ignore but they shouldn’t. I mean if you already know what makes her feel bad about you, then you can always be cautious not to do the same thing. And that’s when it hit my mind that this is one of the topic which everyone needs to know and understand. Let’s not waste words and get into it.
10 Things women don’t like that men do:
• Being self obsessed: We sometimes get too over obsessed in something we do that we forget how others will feel about it. The same thing sometimes happens with us men when we’re with our significant others. And anybody would get upset or insulted when you’re with them and yet don’t care about anything but yourself, right. And that’s why women dislike men who are arrogant, and egoistic.
• Acting immaturely: Acting immaturely includes, getting into fights, being needy, behaving too weird around others, and also not giving her enough attention when she needs you to. Come on guys would you like to date some girl who’s dumb and does not understands you and doesn’t satisfy you, of course not right. Well the same goes with women.
• Not keen to learn: We should never make this mistake gentlemen, not just in case of women, but also in everything in your life. We are human beings and will never will be perfect, but the ability to learn things is what makes us more different than other life forms of the earth. We need to understand we don’t know everything, and always should be very keen to learn from every new thing, every new challenge, and every new stage in life.
• Being dishonest: Women can’t take it when their man is being dishonest with her, when he lies or hides something from her. Guys understand this, because communication is the key to longer relationship with your life partner or significant other. If you have something, sit together, talk it out, discuss it, have a chat and solve anything, that’s what having a partner is all about. Don’t risk your relationship with long term hits by lying rather than a small fight by telling the truth.
• Being over possessive: Gentlemen come on, give her a space, you might be her husband, fiancé, boyfriend or whatever, understand that she herself is also a person, and has her own identity. Sometimes it’s better to not stop her from going somewhere or doing something. Give her too a little freedom apart from your world.
• Doubts her: Yet another much more severe mistake. Ok I understand guys, you have some rights over her, and can test her in the initial age of your relationship. But once you’re relationship is strong and has been some time, it’s time to stop testing and doubting. Because relationships are built on trust, not doubts. And don’t ever make the mistake of checking her phone guys, no I mean seriously, don’t do it. That could prove to be the biggest mistake of your life. Don’t do it guys.
• Having no life: Women do not at all like men who don’t have their own life. They look for a man who’s more passionate, who knows how to looks after himself, and has some goals in his life. That’s why guys, don’t think you’re all good with your looks, always live your life and yet always keep striving for a better life.
• Questions her financially: Well what do I mean by this, what I mean is simply that never ever question any women in your life about why, where and how much she spends her money. If you think, she’s wasting her money, simply just have a chat or take her somewhere outside and explain to her with love why we must use our money wisely, in a subconscious manner.
• Hurting her Self-respect: Don’t do his guys, don’t insult her or judge her or anything personally associated with her. This doesn’t just insults her and makes her feel bad, but also makes her feel a lot uncomfortable with you, which leads women to start hating you and look for someone else.
• Can’t decide: This is also is a big no no for dudes like us. If she’s interested in you, that means that she thinks that you’re responsible enough to handle her. But if you can’t even decide or figure out some basic things yourself, it’s a big turn offs for women. And at most don’t be mamma’s boy. That doesn’t mean don’t love your mom, in fact women life it when their man takes good care of his own mother too. Mamma’s boy means the ones, who can’t decide for themselves and has to ask his mom for even the smallest things to take the decision for him.
Apart from that keep your cool, love your partner, love your mom.
Stay Alpha Stay Fit
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