“You get from it, what you put in it.”
– Alpha’s School

Trends keep on changing for everything, but the only thing for which the trend never changes is your own personality. You don’t need a trend to stand out when you are having a magnetic personality. And having or creating such kind of personality comes only through some habits.

While your personality depends upon various factors like your style, outfit, behaviour, nature, and last but not the least, your grooming. Well given below are 11 tips and habits to have for a better grooming style.

11 simple grooming tips every man should know:
Use deodorant: It is scientifically proved that men who use deodorant feel a lot more confident, and have the chances of achieving what they wish to. Also smelling good instantly makes you more attractive.

Manscaping: A very few know about manscaping while it’s a very important grooming habit all men should have. All men should have the habit of shaving their bodies off the excessive hair from time to time. This helps you feel fresh and free and much more confident and comfortable.

Trimming: Trimming is something most of us already know, but still don’t follow. Trimming your beard and hair in a regular interval and keeping it in shape is a very important part of your daily grooming habits as this not only helps you have a great fresh look. But also, you know what’s coming, yes more confident. Because looking good is not so that others will value you, the main motive if for you to know your value.

Wash your face every morning: Washing your face every morning helps you remove all the excess oil and also makes you more attentive and awake and focused on your day.

Apply face packs: Now I’ve already made a separate topic on using face packs and face scrubs here. It’s a necessary step to avoid tanning your skin, and to have a clean and clear skin.

Moisturize: I’ve also explained about moisturizer here. You should moisturise your skin atleast twice a day after every face wash to avoid dryness as well as oiliness.

Mouth fresheners: You go to someone, let it be at work, date or a party, you start speaking and the person shrinks his nose. It’s not bad talk, it’s the bad smell. You don’t need to carry a mouth freshener everywhere, you just need to eat some mouth freshening stuffs to remove the odour.

Dandruffs: Having dandruffs in your hair is a serious hair problem no one should ignore. You need to have a healthy hair to avoid having dandruffs and i’ve given details on that here. But you can use anti dandruff oil and anti dandruff shampoos that are natural. If you want me to list some, comment down below and let us know.

Beard wash: Beard wash doesn’t mean you need to buy a lot of expensive beard wash. It simply means to wash your beard regularly and compulsorily once by the end of the day. If you want your beard to look good you need to love and take care of your beard.

Beard line: Yet another simple thing most guys don’t do but must. You trim your beard but never give it the proper cuts and the outlines that makes your beard stand out and make you a 100% more attractive.

Scrubbing: Scrubbing not only means scrubbing your face, but also scrubbing your whole body atleast twice or thrice a week with a natural scrubber that you can easily get at your market or online too.

Stay Alpha Stay Fit
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