Well here it is the topic that I had to share with you all my beloved Gentlemen. Because this is the question that I’ve been asked for a long period of time. So here it is for you all where I’ve broke it down into 8 steps to achieve what you want in life.
Alpha’s School
Ok so here’s a question. What is a goal for a man? Well it could be of achieving a business target, a financial leader, to have a great family, be respected by the society, etc and all right. Well to achieve all that you need to have to do some other things in life too, to achieve them, and given below are those points which might even change your life the very next minutes.
- Get a Job: Okay Fine, this sounds crazy of me, I know. But know this gentleman, it doesn’t mean that if you’re targetting to have a great business, you shouldn’t do a job. No, that’s a huge misconception many youngsters have today compared to adults. Ok I accept many of ya’ll might even be having a lots of money with you already, or your family already runs a business. But believe me gentlemen, even then if you work somewhere else under someone else for some time, you really get to know the environment much more properly, you get the point of view of both the Businessman, and an Employee, which is an important feature of an entrepreneur. And even if you don’t want to have a business and you’re someone who wants to be a professional in a particular field, I’d suggest ya’ll also to get a job at that particular field first, then after understanding the whole concept and the routes of that particular profession, you are good to go.
- Clear Vision: Once you get a job, maybe even a good job, the next step you need to achieve is to have a clear vision. A clear vision of what exactly do you want to achieve. Because after getting a job in the particular field, you get a clear knowledge of how things work in the particular field, and hence makes it easy to have a clear vision of what you want. But make sure to avoid a mistake of stopping right there with the Job, because many of them make this mistake. They target their goal as something and as they’re satisfied with one thing, they don’t tend to move ahead. And hence the solution to this problem is the next step.
- Have a Role model: Yeah pretty much most of you Men out there might already be having a role model, an inspiration, someone whom you might look forward each and every time for your motivation, and learning. It is really necessary to have a role model in life because, it always helps you to keep pushing forward and have a very clear vision too of like whom you would like to shade yourself, which in turn helps you to not give up and keep going forward in what you do without any hesitation.
- Plan/ Organize: Now pretty much by now everyone of you would become a well matured Man with the exact goal of his life. But along with that you need to plan and Organize your goal and target by doing market research, customer feedbacks, value, profit probabilities, capital required, etc. And how to start earning big, first which particular step to take, then which step is to be executed, and all. Because you know if you’re going in for a bigger goal, you’ll need a huge capital(Money), lots of Market knowledge, and all kinds of Audience/Customers available for the particular field. So I prefer doing research at the same time, establishing some side streams of income along with your actual goal that is directly going to be able to be linked with the main goal in future.
- Take Action: You see, this is the most simplest and yet the most important thing. Take action gentlemen. Coz everyone dreams but only leaders and successful strong People have the tendency to dream and also start taking action, i.e. working on it.
- Have a Second source of Income: Just like I said before, this is a very crucial step, I know initially working on just only one stream itself is challenging, but believe me keep on thinking, getting ideas, inspirations to generate your second or maybe even third source of income for the betterment of your personal as well as professional life. And don’t panic you who are reading this, you will figure it out, believe me coz I did it eventually.
- Keep Working on it: Now yeah I know I told you to take action, but here’s the deal, let it be whatever you’re doing, you’ll have to keep working continuously to get to see the fruits of your work and get the experience of what and exactly how you’re doing in this plan of yours.
- Don’t give up: Now Guys, it’s never like you think of something, you start working and you’ll start filling your pockets with loads of money and your book with your success story. No! Believe me I speak from experience, maybe you might be successful at your first hand if you execute all the steps provided by me carefully, but if you’re someone like me who worked up all alone without anyone’s help, chances are that you might face failure many times, but the secret here is to keep working hard until you get to see the fruits of your hard work. Here’s what I learned one thing from a place I loved where there’s motivational phrase posted saying “if the goal doesn’t work, change the Plan not the Goal.” Believe me it works.
Stay Alpha Stay Fit
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