How to get prepared for a Job interview

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How to get prepared for a Job interview

“Your first impression keeps you in the interview, and your last impression keeps you in the interviewer’s mind.”

– Alpha’s School

If you just understand the above quote, you’re halfway done through a successful interview. Further to understand- An interviewer will make you stay in the interview depending on how your first impression was. And you can leave a mark of your personality in the interviewer’s mind if you leave a very good impression on the end of the interview, not matter what the results are.

Further explanations:

Before the day of interview:

Research: Always remember to do some research about the background of the company, check it’s products, reviews and every possible details.

Website: And the next main thing is to check the company’s own website.

Location: Check where the company is located actually. And also check at what location you’re asked to come for the interview.

Resume: Always make sure to have an updated resume, and carry atleast 2-3 copies with you.

Documents: Gather up all your required documents and keep them safely in a file together, so that you don’t have to worry about anything the day of interview.

Press your Clothes: Always press your Clothes before the day of interview and be ready.

Polish your Shoes: Leave no single way in which you would be ready and confident. Do polish your shoes.

Sleep: As important is all other stuff, you need to sleep and let your mind rest and get recharged for the interview.

The day of the interview:

Take a shower: Get fresh by taking a shower compulsory, no matter what. Not just for your appearance, but it’ll make you feel more confident.

Have a good breakfast: Give your body what it needs. Having a good breakfast before going out will make you feel more comfortable and confident.

Documents: Remember to check all the required documents and carry them with you.

Prepare your answer for the question (Tell me something about yourself): Just don’t start answering the question with your whole family tree. What the employer wants to know is all about your confidence to speak, the way you speak and a little bit of your bio.

Prepare your answer for the question (Why do you think we should hire you): Don’t panic on questions like this, they are supposed to make you nervous and check how you handle it. Instead simply just appreciate the company in brief, and tell them that you think you can use your skills to meet the requirements of the company and aid the company to it’s goal.

Wear Clean cloth: Please wear clean clothes for tour own personality will get boosted.

Smell good: Please do this guys. Do use a deodorant or a body spray or cologne r anything you use to smell good. Always remember smelling good always attracts people’s attention.

Be there before time: Nothing’s more catchy in the eyes of an interviewer more than somebody who’s ahead of time.

Greet your interviewer properly: It’s all all about first impressions guys, be someone others will admire. Unleash your charm.

Turn off cellphones: Many make the mistake of not doing this, and this results in the interviewer getting pissed off. Keep the interviewer in your zone.

Stay Calm and confident: Be brave to answer, don’t get nervous, stay confident, and try to communicate with the interviewer about any problems you may face confidently.

Leaving wish: Wish them and say thank you although if you’re selected or not.

Stay Alpha Stay Fit

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