“To keep on trying till the end is better than regretting of never trying it in the end.”
-Alpha’s School
Who doesn’t face failure in life? Everyone does. Every single person who is born in this world does faces failure at least once in a Life time. The only difference is some give up with a little failure and some keep trying instead of several times of facing failure in life. And that’s what maketh a man successful or a real failure.
Even our beloved Colonel Sanders was one of them.
He was a kid of 5 years old when his father died, which caused his mom to go to work, and at that raw age colonel sanders had to handle the responsibility of taking care of his siblings.
He even left his school at the age of 16 and started working.
At the age of 17 he had already done 4 jobs and failed.
At age 18 he got married and also started working as a road rail conductor.
At age 19 he became a father.
At age 20 his son died and his wife took divorce and took away their baby girl with her.
At age 22 he even failed as a roadrail conductor and then joined the army and yet failed and got washed away, applied for the law school and failed, and started working as a insurance salesman and yet failed.
He then started working as a dishwasher and a cook in a gas station café.
And once he even tried to kidnap his own daughter and still failed. But somehow he managed to convince his wife and brought her back home.
Remember, he’s already worked and failed to be in the US army, a roadrail conductor, insurance salesman, secretary, tyre salesman, ferry operator, and a lawyer, too and yet he never stopped even after all these failures and still kept going.
At age 65 he retired and got $150 on the first day of retirement from the government.
I mean just think about it guys, you work your whole life continuously even after facing many failures, tried to keep and feed your family together. And when you’re all done, the reward that you get at last was nothing but just a $150 per month. What would a man do with just 150 dollar per month.
Even Colonel Sanders felt this like a slap in his face by the government and he felt like as if his life wasn’t worth it at all, and decided to commit Suicide. So he just sat down and started writing his wills of his life, and what all he could’ve done in his life, and he realized that there was so much he had not done.
And then he realized one thing, that he was good at one thing, and that was cooking. So he again started trying. Remember he’s already in his 60s and retired, and yet he’s not ready to give up.

He borrowed $87 using his cheque and brought some chickens, fried them using his own recipe and started going door to door in Kentucky and sold his chickens, and people started loving his chicken. Some time later he opened his own restaurant in Kentucky, and somehow yet failed. So for his living he started selling his chicken recipes to many outlets and earned in such a hard way. And then yet he had to face legal problems due to a case filed by an advocate for violating some law according to the advocate. And yet Colonel Sanders struggled hard and at the age of 88 years of old age, he became a billionaire and the founder of a multinational brand KFC. At the age of 1890 he rested in Peace.

You see that’s why it is like this, ‘one may face failure, but never quit, because it’s never too late to give it another try my friend. Age or any other factors never matters.
Keep working, and keep working hard. Work! And fail. Work, and fail again, but never give up. Destiny always has something holding for you. Fail, yet keep working. Look into yourself. What speciality do you have in you. What, are you good at? that you know others aren’t. Approach it. Chase it. Chase it! Until you’re done, until you’re successful in it. But keep trying, fail, but never give up.

Stay Alpha Stay Fit
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